Category: gaming news
Sydcon 2019: Pathfinder Society
An ancient world beset by magic and evil The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign. It puts YOU in the role of a Pathfinder Society agent. This legendary league of explorers, archaeologists, and adventurers is dedicated to discovering and chronicling the greatest mysteries and wonders of the world.
Game Designer Interview – Gregory Millsopp
We are here today with Gregory Millsopp who is the developer of Delta One Zero: The Miniatures Game.
Game Designer Interview: Alex and Angela Jarkey
We are here today with Alex and Angela Jarkey who are the designers of Flashback RPG. They currently have a Kickstarter for their game, and SRGA have taken the opportunity to interview them.
The Damsel’s Tale: on Kickstarter
A speedy sneaky knight. A frightened baby dragon. This is no fairytale. You have a job to do! Australian boardgame company Red Genie Games has launched a Kickstarter for its game The Damsel’s Tale.
Game designer interview: Jack Ford Morgan
Our latest interview is with award-winning Australian boardgame designer Jack Ford Morgan, who is the co-director and lead game designer of Half-Monster Games.
Game Designer Interview: Liam Routt
This month’s interview is with Liam Routt, who is the Manager – Games and Digital Media at Film Victoria. In the past Liam has been a programmer/producer/designer of computer games and a writer/editor/designer/publisher for a range of tabletop RPGs including working with Chaosium and running his own company Darcsyde Productions. SRGA: Liam, tell us a…
Game designer interview: Relics by Tin*Star Games
Tin*Star Games are presenting a module at Eyecon over the Easter weekend, and have recently launched a Kickstarter for their RPG Relics. SRGA have taken the opportunity to interview designer Steve Dee. SRGA: Steve, tell us a bit about yourself and how you got started in roleplaying. Steve: I got into roleplaying via Talisman. Back…
Relics: By Demons Driven
Dantalion, a Lord of Hell, waged war on humanity for ten thousand years, but before any angel could bring him to justice for his crimes, he fled back to the safety of Hell – or did he? And what significance does this mortal woman play in those events? Five angels with a score to settle…
EYECON 2019: Hobbyspace boardgames
EYECON’s Hobby Space is an area for you to play your own board games, card games, miniatures games and war games. We provide the tables and the space, you provide the games. Note: All boardgame players must register for the convention. With thanks to Behold Games and Sydney Tabletop Games.
Eyecon 2019: Crucible Corps
Experience high adventure in hyperspace in a new Sci-fi RPG living campaign using D&D 5th ed rules EGCC 00-01 Fall of the Eos Keldor (Introductory adventure) EGCC 01-01 Basilisk Rendezvous (Levels 1-2) Crucible Corps is the official ongoing organized play campaign for the Esper Genesis Roleplaying Game. As long as you have an official character…